quarta-feira, novembro 18, 2009

The Jacket

Sometimes I think we live through things only to be able to say that it happened. That wasnt to someone else, it was with me. Sometimes we live to be the odds. Im not crazy eventhough they thought I was. I live in the same world as everyone else. I just saw more of it, as Im sure you have.

terça-feira, novembro 17, 2009

"you asked me something to make you cry. I don't know if you're crying, but i'll say something: don't ever try to write when your hands are sweting and shaking, and you can't see anything."

say what you need to say

quarta-feira, novembro 11, 2009

Eternal Sunshine

"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each pray accepted and each wish resigned."

terça-feira, novembro 10, 2009

The right place

Do you like where you’re living?
Do you like what you do?
Do you like what you’re seeing . . .
When you’re lookin’ at you?
Do you like what you’re saying . . .
When you open your face?
Do you got the right feeling?
Are you in the right place?

Stealin’ a tusk from an elephant must make one feel creepy inside.
And although you’ll boast around the fire at night . . .
That ghost will kick up a fight.
“Be gone? Be gone?”, you scream . . .
You’re just some elephant dream . . .
I needed you like you needed me . . .
People, they need piano keys.

If you like where you’re living . . .
If you like what you do . . .
If you like what you’re seeing . . .
When you’re lookin’ at you . . .
If you like what you’re saying . . .
When you open your face . . .
Then you got the right feeling.
You’re in the right place.

“Is this right? Is this right?”
C’mon God answer tonite!
Is there some fee that you’ll charge me . . .
For doin’ what you thought I might?
Once you’ve thought long and hard about it . . .

Tell me if heads will roll
Once you’ve thought long and hard about it . . .
Tell me cuz I need to know . . .

Cause I like where I’m livin’ . . .
And I like what I do . . .
And I like what I’m seein’ . . .
When I’m lookin’ at you . .
I still like what I’m saying . . .
When I open my face.
I think I got the right feeling.
I think I’m in the right place.
I think I got the right feeling.
I think I’m in the right place.


"Happy, you think they're happy? Look around, get out of that company car and walk on the street! Anyone look happy? Or more like scared animals? Look into their living rooms, all glued to the TV listening to chic zombies speaking of happiness long gone. Drive around town you'll see all the filth, the overcrowding the masses in department stores up and down like robots on escalators. Nobody knows anybody! They think happiness is an inch away but it's unreachable because you stole it. That's how it is. You know perfectly well. But I have news for you, executive: The system is overheated. We're just the forerunners, your days are almost over. Swim in your shit technology, but others are full of rage. The rage of children living in slums watching American action films. That's one part, let see, Mental illness is rising. Serial killers, shattered souls, senseless violence...You can't sedate them with game shows and shopping. The antidepressants wont work forever either. The people have had enough of your shit system." -Jan


tem uma brasileira na minha sala de Filosofia. Mora aqui a 12 anos.

nunca, na vida de voces leitores, assistam o filme "Irreversible", Irreversivel em portugues antes de dormir. NUNCA!

Descriçao minunciosa do curso de psicologia na UTM.

Bom, muita gente tem reclamado porque eu nao posto nada sobre a facul desde o primeiro dia, entao la vai.
Nas universidades daqui cada curso é dividido em duas frentes principais. Uma é a matéria majeure , que no meu caso é Psicologia e a outra é a matéria mineure, que eu faço filosofia. Essas sao as duas matérias que vao decidir todo o resto do quadro de estudo do ano letivo por semestre. No primeiro semestre eu pago 3 matérias, Historia da Filosofia, Psicofisiologia e Historia da Psicologia.
Em Historia da Filosofia (aulas segunda e terça) existe outra subdivisao. Segunda-feira tenho aula de Psicologia Antiga, em que estou estudando Platao. Centramos o curso no livro de Platao - Timeu (em frances Timée) que conta a historia da natureza humana. O livro é um dialogo entre Timeu, Critias, Hermocrate e Socrates e neste dialogo assuntos importantes na época sao colocados em jogo como a formaçao de Athenas e a guerra de Athenas, a existencia de Atlantida e a divisao social ideal na visao de Platao. é nesta divisao social que o assunto principal entra em jogo, visto que, Timeu diz que cada pessoa deve exercer uma funçao na sociedade de acordo com a sua natureza individual. O problema esta na boa compreensao da classificaçao da natureza individual, fazendo-se necessaria uma explicaçao do termo. 90 % do texto é uma exposiçao feita por Timeu sobre o que se entende sobre natureza humana. A prova dessa matéria vai ser uma explicaçao de uma das partes do texto do livro.
Terça-feira eu tenho aula de Antropologia das Paixoes em filosofia. Estamos estudando Descartes e o seu tratado das Paixoes da Alma. Neste, o autor introduz toda a descriçao fisiologica do corpo humano pra fazer a distinçao entre corpo e alma. na minha opiniao é uma aula e assunto bem melhor do que o Timeu.
Quarta-feira tenho aula de Psicofisiologia. Ainda to meio indecisa sobre gostar ou nao dessa matéria. é aula de biologia pura. Nao sei se gosto porque é facil demais ou se nao gosto porque é facil demais. Tivemos duas aulas e ainda estamos estudando mitose e meiose. Tipo distinguindo as partes da célula, dizendo que mitocondria faz respiraçao celular, que a celula se divide em dois num ciclo, bla bla bla... E ainda nao to vendo como isso vai me ajudar em psico. A primeira aula foi até mais legal porque a gente viu a genetica em relaçao ao comportamento humano. Tipo, em que a carga genetica individual pode influenciar no desenvolvimento de doenças comportamentais e no seu relacionamento geral com o ambiente. Mas vou esperar pra ver no que vai dar.
Tem outra subdivisao que eu esqueci de mencionar. Todo curso é dividido entre Cours Majeur (aula normal com o professor falando e todo mundo anotando) e um Travail Dirigé onde o numero de pessoas da sala é dividido consideravelmente (passa de umas 300 pessoas à 30 por sala) e a interaçao entre os alunos e os professores aumenta.
Na aula da quarta de psicofisio é o TD (travail dirigé) e dura apenas 2 horas. Na quinta, tenho essa mesma matéria mas em CM (cours majeur). Ai o professor fala fala fala fala........ essa semana nao foi muito boa porque a metade da aula dele foi exatamente o que eu tinha visto um dia antes...
Sexta-feira é o dia da felicidade e do sofrimento. Felicidade porque é o dia em que tem as melhores matérias e sofrimento porque tenho 8 horas de aula. De manha eu tenho 2 horas de CM de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e mais 2 hrs de Psicologia Clinica. A tarde tenho essas mesmas matérias em TD. Depois de 5 semanas assim, essas submatérias mudam para Psicologia Social e Psicologia Cognitiva.
Pronto, agora nao sei mais o que tem pra explicar, hahaha, vou voltar pra a minha leitura de Descartes e fazer minha explicaçao du texto. Amanha nao tem aula, é feriado Armistice (comemoraçao do final da Primeira Guerra Mundial).
Beijos, a plus!

segunda-feira, novembro 09, 2009

"Que ce qui est passion au regard d'un sujet est toujours action à quelque autre regard."

Descartes, Les Passions de l'ame.

domingo, novembro 08, 2009

Tristan & Isolde

"They are not life Tristan, they are the shells of life. And empty ones if in the end all they hold are days and days without love. Love is made by God, ignore it and you'll suffer as you cannot imagine!" Isolde

quarta-feira, novembro 04, 2009


I'm heavy handed, to say the least.
My mother thinks I'll be an awful clutcher 'cus I spill things from stiring them too quickly.
I'm far too loud.
Its like, as soon as I've got an opinion, it just has to come out.
I laugh at stupid things just cus they tickle me.

And sometimes I wish. Sometimes I wish I was like Mariella,
she got some pritt stick and she glued her lips together.
So she never had to speak, never had to speak, never had to speak.
People used to say shes as quiet as a mouse, she just doesn't make a peep.

She marched to her wardrobe and she threw away the colour, because wearing black looks mysterious, but it didn't impress her mother.
She wanted to dress her baby in patterns and flowers, but Mariella just crossed her arms and so she cried for hours.
My pretty, baby girl
Unglue your lips from being together and wear some pink and pearls.
You can have your friends 'round and they can stay for tea.
Won't you just try to fit in please, do this for me.
But Mariella just crossed her arms and she walked up the stairs and she went into her bedroom, and she sat on her bed.
And she looked in the mirror and she thought to herself "If I wanna play, I can play with me, If I wanna think, I'll think in my head.
At school, Mariella didn't have many friends, yeah, the girls there, they looked at her and thought she was quite strange.
And the boys, they aren't really into girls at that age.
And the teachers, they thought Mariella was just going through a phase.
But Mariella just smiled as she skipped down the road because she knew all the secrets in her world.
Yeah, she always got the crossword puzzle right every day and she could do the alphabet backwards, without making any mistakes.
Pretty, pretty girl.
Happy in her own little world
Happy in her own little world
And she said "I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever, yeah, I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever, yeah, I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever gonna unglue my lips from being together."
She said "I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever, yeah, I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever, yeah, I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever gonna unglue my lips from being together."